IISL PR 2-2008: 51st IISL Colloqium announced
4 January 2008

The 51st IISL Colloqium will be held within the framework of the 2008 IAC in Glasgow, Scotland from 29 September until 3 October 2008. The theme is "from imagination to reality."

The following IISL sessions will be held:

Session 1: Private international law regarding space activities
Originally, space law was of a purely public nature, but today more and more matters of a private law character are involved even at the international level. For this session, the first devoted exclusively to private law issues, papers are invited to address theoretical and practical issues and present concrete cases where private international law has become relevant for space activities.

Prof. F. Lyall, UK
Prof. Lesley-Jane Smith, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. C. Doldirina

Session 2: The 40th anniversary of the Rescue Agreement: looking ahead
The Rescue Agreement was drafted when the typical mission profile involved a single nation. Today's mission profile involves multiple nations. Papers are invited to address the legal aspects of applying the Agreement to international cooperative mission profiles.

Prof. V. Kopal, Czech Republic
Prof. Sergio Marchisio, Italy
Rapporteur: Mr. F. Tronchetti

Session 3: Weaponisation of outer space in the light of the Outer Space Treaty
Papers are invited to address legal aspects of evolving national policies and military doctrines and international responses thereto.

Prof. J. Galloway, USA
Prof. J. Monserrat, Brazil
Rapporteur: Mr Ricky Lee

Session 4: Legal aspects of natural Near Earth Objects (NEOs)
NEOs are increasingly gathering international attention, from the perspective of exploration and exploitation of natural resources and from the perspective of potential deflection in case of a collision. Papers are invited to address the legal aspects of these activities.

Dr R. Tremayne-Smith, UK
Prof. M. Williams, Argentina
Rapporteur: Dr M. Mejia-Kaiser

Session 5: Other legal matters
In this session, authors may address any other matters relating to the law of outer space, with special emphasis on recent developments.

Prof. J. Gabrynowicz, USA
Ms J. Wheeler, UK
Rapporteur: Dr Sylvia Ospina, USA/Colombia

A Scientific/Legal Roundtable will be held in Glasgow on ""Paper Satellites; problems of policy, regulation and economics", and will be chaired by Lubos Perek and Corinne Jorgenson. The IISL has also submitted two proposals for a Plenary Session.

Procedure for abstract submission:

All authors must submit an abstract; this must be done online at http://www.iafastro.org.

When you see a page called "restricted area:" - click on 'authors page'
- click on 'my papers'
- click on 'add new abstract'


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